What’s this all about?

I have a rather large list of ‘websites to check‘ in my favourites, lots of ideas gleaned from tweets, a pile of pages to ‘read later’ in my Readitlater account, even more in my Bloglines account and I really need to start organising them into one place I can easily access and share.  Hence this blog!

So far I have just imported some videos from a blog I use with my pupils and also uploaded most of the resources I used to share via my mathsroom.co.uk website.

Why ‘H tends 2 Zero‘?  My nickname is ‘H’ and it’s a maths phrase.

Well, here goes….


Engrade is a free online grade book service where you can record and securely share grades and assignments.

I am going to try the service out with a couple of classes this term.  I am interested to see whether the pupils and parents would use it and find it useful.

I don’t intend to use the built in grading system, e.g. 80-100% = A, etc.  You can modify the grading options to suit and I aim to use our department’s traffic light system.

Hopefully I will be able to post an update at the end of the term.

Use Wolfram Aplha to check your work/homework

View more presentations from ColleenYoung

Fantastic idea for pupils to check their maths calculations from Colleen Young.

Check out further ideas on Colleen’s Mathematics, Learning and Web 2.0 blog

The Story of 1

Terry Jones (of Monty Python’s Flying Circus) goes on a humor-filled journey to recount the amazing tale behind the world’s simplest number. Using computer graphics, “One” is brought to life, in all his various guises. One’s story reveals how celebrated civilizations in history were achieved, where our modern numbers came from and how the invention of zero changed the world forever; and saved us from having to use Roman numerals today.

Amazing animation created with Google Docs

What do you know about Math?

If you can’t see the video playing above here is the YouTube page:
“What do you know about Math?”

The Klein Bottle

The Klein Bottle is a surface on which you can move from outside to inside without crossing an edge. This shows that inside and outside are not universal concepts.In this movie Klein’s Bottle is constructed by gluing an rectangle along the edges. Then the bottle is cut up again to yield a Moebius-strip.This video was produced for a topology seminar at the Leibniz Universitaet Hannover.

If you can’t see the video playing above here is the YouTube page:
“The Klein Bottle”

The Magical Moebuis Strip

If you can’t see the video playing above here is the YouTube page:
“Moebuis Strip”

Can you draw a perfect circle?

Freehand Circle Drawing – World Champion

If you can’t see the video playing above here is the YouTube page:

“Freehand Circle Drawing – World Champion”

Triangle Song – James Blunt

James Blunt on Sesame Street!

If you can’t see the video playing above here is the YouTube page:

“Triangle Song – James Blunt”

Mental mental arithmetic!!

Can you keep up with this guy??